It’s All About the Why

New product launch teams have their work cut out for them. Immeasurable hours have already gone into product conception, technical design, and testing. Now it’s your job to communicate your company’s innovation to the market. Your product is the what and now it’s time to craft the why.


  • Product narrative
  • Launch announcements
  • Presentations
  • Conference speeches
  • Breakouts
  • Slide decks
  • Case studies
  • Sales collateral
  • Press releases
  • Press briefings
  • Demos
  • Webinars
  • Analysts materials

Product Launch Presentation Programs

Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning

Interactive presentation skills training for a
successful product launch, delivered in
highly engaging, building-block sessions.

In-Person Learning

In-Person Learning

One, two, or three-day presentation skills programs
with extensive self- and peer-coaching and an option
for video recording and playback analysis.
Other program formats are also available.

"Jerry’s insightful coaching helped us to launch a major new chip design successfully. His new book, The Power Presenter, makes the invaluable techniques he showed us at Intel available to everyone."

David Perlmutter

Former Executive Vice President, General Manager of Intel Architecture Group & Chief Product Officer, Intel Corporation

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